Tuesday, May 11, 2010

best friends

Best friends are people who completely know you and are still your friend. so to me my best friends are my world and I wouldn’t be anywhere without them. A best friend, almost everyone has at least one. The dictionary describes a best friend a, the one friend who is closest to you. Best friend are much more than that, Best friends are the ones who don’t get mad when you do something stupid, they always have something to say. A best friend loves you; best friends will laugh together and cry together. Best friends are people you can always be with and you rarely ever get annoyed or tired of. Best friends will always be there for you no matter what through thick and thin. Best friends are like married couple without the mushy stuff.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out said by anon Best friends are like sister without the fighting. Friendship is one mind in two bodies said by Mencius. I think best friends are people who are a part of you forever after you meat. Best friends are people you feel like you known forever and you have only known them for a month. People walk in and out of your life but best friends leave footprints on your heart.
I don’t know what I would do without my best friends (Sanduni Silva, Josie Khzouz, Aliza Ramos, Kennedy Carmichael and Wrenna Werden). They are my life, my other half. Without them I would be a loner. Best friends are very important in a kids/teenagers life, if a kid grows up with the right kids then they will turn out fine and if they never have a best friend and are always shy they will stay that way for a long time.
Best friends are people who completely know you and are still your friend. so to me my best friends are my world and I wouldn’t be anywhere without them.

best friends

A best friend, almost everyone has at least one. The dictionary describes a best friend a the one friend who is closest to you. Best friend are much more than that, Best friends are the ones who don’t get mad when you do something stupid, they always have something to say. A best friend loves you, best friends will laugh together and cry together. Best friends are people you can always be with and you rarely ever get annoyed or tired of. Best friends will always be there for you no matter what through thick and thin. Best friends are like married couple without the mushy stuff.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out said by anon Best friends are like sister without the fighting. Friendship is one mind in two bodies said by Mencius. I think best friends are people who are a part of you forever after you meat. Best friends are people you feel like you known forever and you have only known them for a month. People walk in and out of your life but best friends leave footprints on your heart.
I don’t know what I would do without my best friends (Sanduni Silva, Josie Khzouz, Aliza Ramos, Kennedy Carmichael and Wrenna Werden). They are my life, my other half. Without them I would be a loner. Best friends are very important in a kids/teenagers life, if a kid grows up with the right kids then they will turn out fine and if they never have a best friend and are always shy they will stay that way for a long time.
Best friends are people who completely know you and are still your friend. so to me my best friends are my world and i wouldnt be anywear without them.

Friday, April 30, 2010


It was like a rollercoaster there was ups and there were downs just like a roller coaster. Stevenson’s intramural model United Nations (simun) was over all pretty good. When I’m in line I’m always nervous or scared that’s how I was heading into simun it was scary but exciting. When I get off a rollercoaster I think to myself oh wow that was fun or that wasn’t too bad same with simun we finished and I thought wow I shouldn’t have gotten all worked up it’s not that bad. The ups were that I successfully spoke three times and I helped write a resolution. The downs were the questions I didn’t like thinking on the spot that much but the good outweighed the bad. I also think it was kind of hard to remember all the sayings like point of privilege, point of inquiry, and I would like to make a motion there are three of them I thought it was kind of hard. Although I didn’t really like the questions I think I did alright I mean its hard but you just have to know what you’re talking about which Is when the research comes in.
I did research before simun it was kind of hard to find all the information I needed and that’s why I think I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been but that was the hardest part I think putting all the information wasn’t that hard. The research kind of helped me I think it gave me a little bit of knowledge on what was going on but I still didn’t fully understand all the topics. To help me understand I talked with my fellow countries and figured out what everything meant. I think the countries around me were a lot more helpful them my research. That’s why after we got a new topic I would need to have a caucus so the other countries and I could talk about the situation and se wear everyone’s country is at. Without the caucuses I don’t know what I would have done. I think with the caucuses I did alright
I did pretty well considering it was my first time. I gave three speeches and asked no questions but I actively participated in the caucuses. Next simun I am going to try to participate more my goal is to make 5 speeches and ask at least 6 questions next time we do simun. Although it was all pretty hard I liked the experience and I think it was good to use my brain a little.

Monday, April 19, 2010

bagdad burning

my book has a lot of information it also has a lot to take in. what I understand most of it, the writer is very descriptive and makes everything understandable. There is only one problem i have with it, how can the government be so stupid sometimes. In the book it is 2003 and they are going to let 9 people be president for a month and chose out of them who ran the country the best and they pick very bad people according to the girl who uses her fake name called Riverben. They picked some guys who were about 80 and i think that is bad because most likely they are going to die soon so you can't rely on someone who might go any minuet. Then the rest are very stupid and Riverben calls them all puppets. I like the how the writer is very descriptive so i always know what she is talking about and i can totally understand it that's why i don't have to many questions.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Then missionaries tried to help out the terrible situation in haiti by kidnapping kids. THe ten missionaries were charged with kidnapping and criminal association on Thursday. The Prime Minister of Haiti also spoke on "Lary King Live" and said it's the judge's choice if he wants to prosecute or not he has three months to decide.

I think it was wrong what they did but i realize that they were trying to help by taking the kids away from the mess. Yet I wouldn't consider this kidnapping since the parents of the children knew ok with the missionaries taking their children all according to cnn.com so they weren't kidnapping at all. It's not kidnapping if the parents gave their permission to the missionaries.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Best Way to go Dani Garon 02/12/10
It was a sunny day and my grandpa got a call from the Prime Minister of Canada to come fix a gas leak in his home. The Prime Minister had a gas leak and with four children, two dogs and a wife, he thought that it would be very important to get it fixed. The next day my grandpa went to the Prime Ministers house to see where the gas leak was, he found it and he said that “it’s going to be no problem” and so he went to work.

The Prime Minister, made a stupid move he bent down and was looking at where the gas leak was and then he lit a cigarette and it blew up and the Prime Minister was very badly injured he ran out of his house as quickly as possible leaving his family. My grandpa being the hero that he is, (and he was injured but still) he ran up stares and got the prime ministers two twin babies, his other two children his wife and the two dogs and brought them down and out of the house before the fire could kill them. The Prime Minister gave him a metal for his bravery. the blow hurt him very bad so the Prime Minister gave him money for two reasons one because of his hurts and two to keep him quiet of how he ran out of the house like a little baby.

When my grandpa al Bauer came out of the building the building collapsed and so did my grandpa and then he said he saw the Jesus then he told me Jesus said to him say your goodbyes its almost time to take you away with me. He woke up and then he was taken to the hospital and he told us all the story of his adventure in the hospital he said what he was told and he said good bye and we saw angels and they took him away there was a lot of light and it was amazing and he left. My Grandpa died that night but he had a great adventure right before he left. We were sad but it wasn’t that bad because we know he is a way better place, and he also has a really great story to tell now and he can tell it to everyone.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

high school!! :)

Friends old and new.

When high school started I didn’t know I was going to make so many new friends. The new friends I have made are, Kristen C, Brittany P, Becca L, Kelly M, Daniel Y, lauren and Ally. I became closer with a lot of my friends like Sammi B, Aliza R, and Marina P. The friends I have been close with and I have been friends with for a while are Sanduni S, Kristen S, Glevisa P, Josie K, and Logan V.

Activities you have attended.

I haven’t attended many activities for the school. I have went to a few which are, the night on the field also known as n.o.t.f. which was really fun because I had two of my friends there Josie and Daniel. I also went to the freshman dance and that was fun that’s where I met Daniel and it was really fun because we were just having a good time dancing. I have also went to a few foot ball games one with my friends Sanduni Kristen and then that’s where I met Kristen Carlson and it’s where I saw my old science teacher Mr. Farkas.

Funnies weirdest or scariest moment.

I really don’t remember the funniest weirdest or scariest moments there are way too many to count, but I do know some funny moments. It happened in French class when I laughed funny then this kid named Josh who is really annoying mimicked me and it came out weird then Brittany, Becca, Bridget Josh and I all laughed until we cried and our French teacher was wondering what was wrong with us. That was a really funny moment one of those moments you just had to be there for.

Easiest hardest class.

I think my easiest class is math because I accidentally got into the lower level class and I was going to change but it was too late. It’s really easy because we never have home work and she gives us like five minutes to do two extremely easy problems it just moves so slowly. I think my hardest class would have to be my global Ed. classes I mean there not that hard but they are my hardest I have a C+ in both of those classes. My brother got mad at me because he said that I should be doing better in global Ed. Over all my classes are pretty easy there not too hard. The ones I have a lower grade in I’m working hard to pull them up.

Most popular or memorable song.

A song that I can’t stop hearing is party in the USA I don’t like that song well I don’t like the words it’s about striping…. But I really like the rhythm that’s why I can’t get it out of my head! A singer that is getting extremely popular is Justin Bieber and I like him a lot as a singer and stuff. Justin Bieber is a really good singer and his songs one time and one less lonely girl is going to be the top song soon. I also like the song called replay it’s a good song I love it!

Popular or memorable movie.

A popular movie right now would have to be paranormal activity it is a horror film I don’t know what it is about and I don’t want to I hate scary movies. Scary movies are really in right now and I don’t like that cause I don’t like them if I watch them I have to have a sleepover or something I can’t be alone if I am alone then my mind will go crazy and I will trick myself into believing that the movie is real. So that’s why I don’t like scary movies.

Rumors or gossip.

There are really no rumors worth telling because most of them people make up just to get attention. Most of them are inappropriate so I leave them alone and try not to spread them because people will say that was totally not true and then I will feel like a total idiot. So rumors are lame no one likes them when there about them but love them when they are about other people.

Fads and Trends.

A TV show everyone seems to watch is the secret life of an American teenager I have watched it and I like it but my mom says I shouldn't watch it because I have two little siblings and it has some inappropriate stuff she say. The shoes that a lot of people are wearing including me, are call moccasins. There just like slippers.

My fist cultural event.

My first culture event was in Virginia. Over the summer we went to Fredericksburg and we went to the wall were many soldiers were protected and we learned more about the war. For me it just jogged my memory because I learned a lot of it in the eight grade because Mr. Morreli made us take notes everyday we kind of got it into our heads from that.


Homecoming that was an interesting day, well, my parents take forever to decide about things so they didn’t decide that I could go to the dance until Thursday. Two days before the dance. So I didn’t have a dress that looked any good all the dresses I have are old ones they are ones my mom bought for me they are gross! On Saturday we are out looking for a dress the day of the dance. That was funny we found one that was good. The dance was a lot of fun I loved the one certain part where my friend danced with someone she really likes but I’m not going to tell you who, she will get mad.

Advice for a freshman.

My advice for a freshman is just to do the work because if you do you will do better on tests. School is a chain reaction if you show up, listen, and do the work you are almost guarenteed to get a good grade on test and quizzes especial pop quizzes which you have once in a while, not to mention over all you will get a really really good grade in the class. Always be prepared. If you join global Ed and want to get out of it don’t!!! It will be so much better in the long run you will do way better in collage if you just stay with it.

What I’m looking forward to the most

What I’m looking forward to the most has got to be my BIRTHDAY!!!! Its Friday October 30 I’m going to finally going my friend is going to bake me cup cakes that Jake can to be 14 I can’t wait!! But another not waits for… and then brings me a bunch of candy I can’t wait!! I will still be the baby in my French class but I wont be 13 anymore my French teacher made fun of me kind of we had to tell our age I said mine and she said oh the baby in French and she held her hands in a fist up to her eyes and pretend to cry going wahhh wahhh it was funny though

Other noteworthy achievements or events

I finally beat my brother in French he never studied but always managed to beat me and I got mad I got a b which is a bad grade in French I usually get an a but I got a b and he got a c+ I was sooo happy I was literally jumping up and down. Other than that not much other than I managed to sprain my ankle by tripping on my brother. I’m the biggest klutz of the century.

New words.

New words hmm… there really aren’t any new words that I know of but at the moment I use the word like a lot and umm… and my some of my friends laugh at it because I say it a lot!
Faces in the news.

Faces in the news well Obama has been in the news because he won the noble peace prize. Ardi was in the news she is a creature they found that they say is 4. Something million years old (she is evolving ape they say and she can stand she is around 4 feet.

Top five current events.

Top five current events would have to be there’s one the H1n1 it’s going all around. I have heard that there are around 4 people in our grade that have it. Obama just declared it a national emergency and says you have to get the h1n1 vaccine. Other current events are the weather…. There have been so many tsunamis and earthquakes over around the India area. Hamid karzia was suspected to have cheated in the election so they striped him of two thirds of his votes so they are having a run-off election between him and abdulah Abdullah. Hamid Karzai accepted the run-off election.